Our lives usually go through lots of ups and downs. These ups and downs may be related to finances, health,… Posted by Feel Hearty on Friday, September 16, 2016

Richard Bandler, a psychologist writing in his book “The Ultimate Introduction to NLP” that a group of researchers took a yoghurt culture, divided it in half and attached half of it to an electrical circuit through which they could measure its electrical activity. When they poured milk over half part of yoghurt, which yoghurt eats […]

Everything that happens in our lives becomes a part of our memory. Our memory can be compared to a 3-D movie that we often replay in our minds to relive past moments. Now there are some parts of that movie that we don’t like and some parts we love. The parts of the movie that […]
Sharpen first your mind and everything will follow

Every man sees the world according to his own map he created in his mind. His understanding of the world is based upon his map, not on the world itself. That map is created based upon information fed and personal experiences and this information can, of course, be right or wrong. While making a map […]
Two kinds of Happiness

Researchers have found that there are two kinds of Happiness; Natural Happiness and Synthetic Happiness. “Natural Happiness” is the type of emotion that you feel when you get something you want. Like when you pass a test, succeed in getting a job you covet, when you eat or drink something delicious etc. According to Dr […]
Creating happy thoughts

Happiness is a state that provides a sort of knowledge. Call it enlightenment or wisdom. Happiness helps people see things more clearly. In the opposite sense sorrow is a sort of darkness or gloominess. This gloominess hinders people’s vision to see clearly. Tugade & Fredrickson experimented in 2011 at how happiness or other positive emotions […]
Knowing your real assets

Can you tell me what’s your most valuable asset? Let me guess… Your house. Your car. Your diamond necklace. The data in your hard disk etc. But there’s one asset that’s more valuable to you than all of these assets. It’s so valuable that none of these assets can be of any use if it’s […]
Be relaxed and #FeelHearty

Have you ever thought why rich get richer even when they don’t need to get richer. Just take a look at Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezoz etc. And poor get poorer even when they desperately try to get rich, well like people you and me all know. Rich getting richer is basically a natural […]
Let’s relax and #FeelHearty

One of the biggest drawbacks of modern lifestyles and job routines is a struggle and hard work. With struggle comes tension and anxiety. Just think about the pre-internet, pre-television and pre-phone times. It’s not more than 100 years ago. Life used to be very relaxed and calm. Just go deep inside you and think deeply. […]
Find your comfort zone and see that value of it.

One of the most dangerous addictions in a man’s life is an addiction to comfort. What if you’ve got $22 million with you, how would you spend that money? I really can’t say anything about you but I can tell you about Elon Musk, how he spent it. Musk got $22 million (before tax) out […]