Success researcher Giacomo Giammatteo in his book “Uneducated” has pointed out 4 keys to success that he found while studying those successful people who left their mark on earth:
1. Optimism: You need to be optimistic to try different options in life. Pessimists don’t try new avenues in life and remain stuck in a rut.
2. Perseverance: When the going in life gets tough, perseverance keeps you going.
3. Realism: Realism makes you to take bold decisions in life.
4. Innovation: Innovation is the key to success. Successful people know if something didn’t work in their lives, it was due to some of their own shortcoming. They improvise new solutions to seemingly unsolvable problems and in turn evolve the combined consciousness of humanity to new heights of intellect.
Remember these 4 keys to success and #FeelHearty