There were two frogs. One was very smart and the other was not smart but crazy.
They both fell in a bowl of cream. Bowl was slippery and its sides were too steep. There was no way that the frogs could jump out of it. They both tried but failed continuously.
A time came that the smart frog thought that the struggling frog is too stupid to know that his struggle is futile. The most intelligent thing to do is to give up. He gave up and drowned himself.
Crazy frog kept on jumping and jumping and jumping. A time came that cream started to become thicker due to his jumps and eventually became butter. Ground froze beneath the feet of the crazy frog and he jumped to freedom.
Moral: Each and everything you do in your life matters no matter how small it is. And sometimes you need a little craziness to do the unthinkable.
Keep on jumping till you succeed #FeelHearty