Join the queue for this interesting service and #feelhearty to be amongst the first people to adopt this new virtual technology that will reduce your stress and save time. Posted by Feel Hearty on Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Listen! Clam up your mouth and be silent like an oyster shell, for that tongue of yours is the enemy of the soul, my friend. When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues. – Rumi According to Echkart Tolle the most precious gift we can give to someone is by listening to […]

We all wait at some point in our lives. It can be a wait at the traffic signal. It can be a wait at a queue on some airport. It can be a wait to earn some degree or qualification etc. These waits are good for our lives. They impart a very valuable quality – […]
Use your next time – Wisely

Every day we take decisions and make choices in our lives. Every day brings us new opportunities and challenges. Some day we do the things the right way and some day we do the things the wrong way. Some day we win and some day we lose. Some day we feel happy and some day […]

We have a certain mechanism in our brains that synthesis the information we receive. It is called “Reticular Activating System.” It acts as a kind of sieve receiving only that information that we deem valuable. It depends upon us what we consider as valuable. You may fall asleep while your children are making all sorts […]

For me life is just a learning process, a journey. This journey is meant to evolve us into higher beings. No one can climb mount Everest on his or her own. A climber needs a team of fellow climbers and sherpas. Similarly no one can fully evolve on his or her own efforts. We need […]

In life the path you follow is more, much more important than your destination. In fact this path is the true reality of life. I believe everyone of us is a mountaineer. Life is not a single mountain, but a mountain range. Whenever we conquer a peak, there is another one higher than we just […]

God hasn’t created this world out of necessity, instead it has come into being out of his fullness of love and joy. It’s this overflow of God’s joy that gives us the ability to create more beauty and comfort in the world. We need all kinds of comforts and luxuries to go beyond the mundane […]

“Is there a difference between happiness and inner peace? Yes. Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not.” Eckhart Tolle. For me, inner peace really depends upon the choices you make in life. There are always two outcomes of every major decision you take in life: Did it make you happy […]

In my last post I talked about The Saints and The Sinners. Who really are the Saints? These are The Saints: “They build their houses with sand and they play with empty shells. With withered leaves they weave their boats and smilingly float them on the vast deep. Children have their play on the seashore […]